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OUR FOUNDER, John Parten


Back around 2000, John Parten was diagnosed with Manic Depression. Today it has become known as BiPolar Disorder.  After decades of medicines, he was no longer able to hold a job because the medications took their toll. During those years, Mister Parten did research on himself and collected resources which led him to a breakthrough in his Recovery.  Mental Illness is a very diverse illness, and each person must face it from their own situation.  In 2008, He entered Grand Canyon University where he received a Master's Certification in Special Education.

By managing his Symptoms, and working with therapists, he put his collection of research into a dissertation in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and published his Thesis entitles, "The Yovanovich Paradigm Paradox."

This thesis focuses on the premise that even though we look at the same object, we don't comprehend it the same way.  Our family, experience, and bias change the very way we perceive the world.  The result is that you do not live in the same world that I live in.  Download a copy of his dissertation.

Below is a list of businesses Mr. Parten was able to start and fund with his "ILLNESS".  It turned out it wasn't an illness, it was Genius that was stifled by the ingorance of those around him.



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