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Stage 1

What do you NEED?

This is a very hard question, but it is a vital one.  If you can’t express what you need, you will get exactly what you deserve.  If you have no NEEDS, you don’t even need Jesus.  If you can’t tell me what you NEED, how can I get it for you? 

Understand this concept: “Money is just a tool to Barter with.” You get money in exchange for the time you give your employer.  You trade that Money for Basic Needs like Food, Clothes, Electricity, etc... Again, it all starts with the BASE NEED.

We don’t do Wants. That’s up to you. We focus on the NEED.

Here is an example. “I need money for a car!”  No, you need a vehicle to get to work.  Allow me to walk you through the process.  I have a neighbor who is getting rid of a car.  If I can get him to give it to you in exchange for yard work, we can fix it up together.  I have a friend that has a parts store.  He would be willing to donate parts as a tax write-off.  Now, do you see the difference?  You received your need.  Didn’t cost us much.  We trade time for what others need. Many people benefited in the process.

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