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The Only True Motivation

Most people do not understand Motivation. They flounder around life trying to find a reason to do things. I want to get fit, find a better job, start a business, clean my house...

What will it take to motivate you?

Let me try it this way. Take your focus off of yourself and put it on others. Accountability. Who are you accountable to? Your Boss? Your Family? Your Dog?

When you take it off yourself and focus it on others, you begin to change.

You do your work because others are counting on you.

You want to start your own business because you hate your job and need more money.

Where is your motivation?

The Need.

When others rely or count on you, you tend to do it. Your family is hungry. You go to work whether you feel good or not. Your Boss relies on you to show up for work because your work is necessary to making money for everybody. You do everything for everybody else. What about your Dreams.

You spend so much time doing for others and your Dreams are pushed aside. You need to find the reason to do something different. If you can understand, I do for others before I will ever do for myself.

The Re-Training of Your Brain.

I can't seem to find the motivation to help myself. So, if I want to start a business, where is my motivation? Being sick and tired of being sick and tired, of being sick, and tired; that isn't enough for me. But! If I fight to improve the conditions for my family’s future; my Motivation becomes creating change in direction of thought, so that how I spend my time re-directs to a focus on creating that business. There is my motivation. It is taken off of ME, and put on others relying on me.


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